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We are a chartering ministry of MOPS International. An annual registration fee is required to register you with MOPS International. Together we’re reaching over a million moms!

In our opinion, becoming a member is what gives you access to the best mom club on the planet… a community of gutsy women ready to pick you up when you’re feeling down and be your biggest cheerleaders while celebrating your wins. Your membership is what makes it possible for moms around the globe (seriously, how cool is that?) and enable moms living in poverty to learn new trades to support their family, while strengthening their relationship with Jesus.



















Did we mention that you get a lot of amazing things when you become a member?


  • One-of-a-kind mom community: We equip moms to connect face to face and heart to heart with moms in a MOPS group. But it doesn’t end there. The power of our MOPS community extends beyond your group to the group down the road, 1,000 miles away, 10,000 miles away and across the globe.

  • Magazine: You asked, we listened. The quarterly print magazine is back … and bigger and better than ever! It’s full of mama grit from real moms in the trenches and hands-on experts and influencers. We’re all about getting our hands dirty; we have easy and creative DIYs, home haven-making ideas, recipes and always some soul searching food for thought. As a leader, twice a year, you’ll receive a special leader magazine issue included with the quarterly magazine. Look for it in your mailbox.

  • Texts: When you join MOPS, you can opt-in to receive an encouraging text to help you get through your week. We have a feeling the text will arrive when you need it the most. WHEN (did you notice we didn’t say if) your toddler is having a meltdown in the grocery store aisle, we will be cheering you on!

  • Bi-monthly Mom Email: Members get an email, twice per month, packed with tips and tricks to help you THRIVE in motherhood. No mom has time to research products or practical parenting advice. Let us bring it straight to your inbox!

  • MOPS Member Site: Check out where members get FREE exclusive digital resources all in ONE place. It’s a go-to spot for mama wisdom and inspiration.

  • M Collectives Guides: Collectives are short-term (six to eight weeks), small group gatherings that typically meet once a week outside of MOPS meetings, to work through a small but-mighty guide that focuses on growth and discovery within a single topic: special needs parent (new release), postpartum, mental health and more. Download both participant and facilitator Guides for FREE at the MOPS Member Site at


Here’s the best part – MOPS International membership is just $31.95!


What are local dues and what do they cover?

We have local dues to cover all meeting expenses such as meeting materials, speaker gifts, MOPS kids craft supplies, plasticware, coffee, etc. However, the largest portion of our local dues goes to paying our childcare workers. We are responsible to pay all childcare costs 100%. We ask that after your second meeting you would register with us and pay your dues or you will be unable to utilize childcare.

 Local dues are as follows:
a one-time (1) payment of $150
OR two (2) payments of $80, paid at the beginning of each semester

If you break it down per each hour of childcare it comes out to less than $4.50/hour!

How do I pay MOPS International and local dues?
Please visit our REGISTRATION page to submit your information and find the link to register with MOPS International. After this step is completed we will send you an invoice for your local dues.

Are there other payment options or scholarships?
For any other payment options, EMAIL US or talk to our Finance Coordinator.


 A limited number of scholarships are available by application each semester, so please do not let finances keep you from attending our group. Please speak with the Finance Leader for scholarship assistance. We will maintain privacy and confidentiality of all scholarship applicants.



Thanks for submitting!

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