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MOPS is for mothers of children from infancy through six years old. Our goal in MOPS is to equip you to handle the joys and challenges of life as a mom. MOPS is a great place for mothers to find friendship and acceptance, develop mothering skills, and promote spiritual growth. The women are of many ages and backgrounds, but share the same desire—to be the best mothers they can be. During a regular year, childcare is available during each meeting beginning at 9:15am. Children are lovingly cared for in age-appropriate classes with games, crafts, songs, Bible stories and a snack.

Crossroads MOPS welcomes women from throughout the community, and you do not need to be a member of Crossroads Fellowship to join Crossroads MOPS. There is a $31.95 MOPS International fee, plus additional fees to cover child care, craft and other expenses due at the first meeting of each semester. Visit our Crossroads MOPS blog and find out what we're up to locally! Also visit the MOPS International web site for more information about the organization.


We have officially blended MOPS and MOMSnext at Crossroads. This extension of MOPS is for all mothers of school-age kids to experience authentic community, personal growth, practical help and spiritual hope.

This MOMSnext small group will meet in conjunction with the regular MOPS group. Many speakers and topics will still be relevant to this group, but there will also be opportunities for separate discussions unique to moms with older children. This group will enjoy mom's nights out, lunch or coffee dates, and time for children to socialize together!


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