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MOPS 2021-2022

Writer's picture: Crossroads Raleigh MOPSCrossroads Raleigh MOPS

We are so excited to get back to our regular in-person MOPS meetings with childcare! Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 14th at 9:30am. We are currently offering a "sample September" where the first two MOPS meetings are free to anyone who would like to attend! If you enjoy the meetings, we hope you will decide to continue in our group and pay your local dues to cover the cost of childcare. We have lots of exciting meetings planned for this year, so please join us for a nice, hot, kid-free brunch around the table with friends!

All for Love

Our theme for this year is All for Love. After a year spent hunkering down, living smaller, and experiencing a little more fear and anxiety than usual, we are declaring this is the year of going big. It’s a year of fresh starts and turning ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones. Enthusiasm will replace worry. Friendship will replace loneliness and we will start making space for the new things God has for us. We will become less guarded and more daring because this is our year to live All For Love!

Please RSVP!

If you are interested in attending the first two MOPS meetings for free, we will need you to RSVP so we know how many to expect and make sure we have enough childcare workers for your children. Please email us at for an invitation! If you do not RSVP we may run out of space in childcare, so be sure to let us know you are coming!

Pandemic Policies

Our MOPS group must follow the COVID protocols of our host church. As such, MOPS is currently mask optional, per the policy of Crossroads Fellowship. We will work closely with church leaders to stay up to date on protocols throughout the year and will communicate any changes to you in a timely manner.

Below are the current policies put in place by Crossroads Fellowship. To report any of the below exposures, please email

1. If someone reports that they tested positive and attended a CRF function while experiencing symptoms, or they tested positive a day or two after attending an event, we will confidentially gather:

a. name and contact info.

b. location/time/date.

c. names of people who they were in direct contact (meaning 15 min or more) with. Sometimes they don’t know names but we just do the best we can.

d. We will call those people directly and inform them that “You were directly exposed to someone (we don’t give the name) who tested positive for Covid at (give event/date) and we encourage you to take whatever health precaution that you think is necessary.”

e. If the person was basically around the entire group, sharing food, close proximity, etc. it may be necessary to inform the whole group, using the same message above.

Note: we do not attempt to trace beyond what is described above. For example, we don’t try to trace all the additional people that the person that they were at the table with were in contact with – this becomes an exponential number of people and not practical to track down.

2. Someone reports that they tested positive and attended a CRF function 4 days or more prior, but had no symptoms at the time.

We don’t do anything.

3. Someone informs you that they or someone in their household has Covid-19, and they want to know when they can return to a Crossroads gathering:

a. We require a negative test (we take their word for it) from them and the person in the home who tested positive OR 10 days with absolutely no symptoms from both individuals.

b. After 2-3 weeks and the person has no symptoms but they report a positive test we typically accept that as a false positive and allow their return.

4. These are the basic scenarios we come across but there are a hundred variations so some cases we have to handle individually. Staff at CRF will work with us to determine the best course of action.

For ALL Moms

As you are well aware, issues around the pandemic have caused much division and strife in our world and our community. From its inception, the goal of MOPS is to encourage and equip ALL moms. Every year we emphasize what unifies us as moms and try to avoid topics that divide us. Since mask mandates, vaccine status, and other COVID-related issues can bring division so quickly, we ask that all such conversations and comments be avoided while at meetings. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together and we want ALL MOMS to feel welcome. We strive to make our MOPS group a caring and comfortable environment to as many people as possible. Please respect, in love, each participant’s comfort level with regards to masks and social distancing.

We can't wait to see you on September 14th!

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